It had just started to rain as I approched the owner of this small fishing boat, he was fixing his nets and asked if I could photograph him. He said he'd rather not, but that I could photograph his son. Shot with Hasselblad 500cm 80mm 1:2.8 lens, Kodak Tmax 400.

Young boy and his fish. Shot with Hasselblad 500cm 80mm 1:2.8 lens, Kodak Tmax 400.

These fishermen were dragging a Thrasher shark caught earlier that morning.
Brandon, I love your photos! You really do have an amazing talent. That's to bad about the sea turtle though. Have you seen Planet in Parel, by Jeff Corwin & CNN Anderson cooper? It talks alot about Endangered Animals, and the law's that are being broken in other countries. Absolutly facinating. Say hi to the family for me.
Amazing portraits, I just discovered your blog and it is very evocative. Superb work !
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