I took these bridal shots of Jessi near Utah Lake. It was ridiculously windy and we even got a little rain on us, but we got some good shots and Jessi looks absolutely beautiful. These images were all taken using a Shen Hao 4x5 camera, 210mm lens, Kodak Tmax 100 film. Developed with stock D-76.
I very recently purchased an 8x10 field view camera. It's an Eastman No. 1. Built between 1901 and 1924. The lens on it is a Radar Anst. F4.5 in a Wollensak Betax No. 5 Shutter. This thing is an antique, but it works fine. Here is one of the first shots I took with it and then made a contact print.
This past Sunday I went with a good friend of mine, Tavis Johnson to the Salt Flats. He was photographing a client of his and was kind enough to let me tag along and take a few pictures with my large format camera. The weather was perfect, the bride was beautiful, and the salt flats were salty.